If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you may be wondering why so many of the things I post are quite personal / emotional when this is a branding and design business — and rightfully so, what gives? You may be wondering: What on earth does all this introspection and personal reflection have to do with how to brand my business and get more clients??
It’s a great question! And I’ve got a simple answer for you:
Any brand strategist or designer worth her salt knows that a brand is like a person. It has a history, it has a story, it has a vision, and it has goals. It serves people, attracts people, and lives in relationship to different people, in different ways. A brand, just like a person, is (love it or hate it) CONSTANTLY growing, evolving and changing. If it is not, it is stagnating, and at some point, things will blow up.
So the simple answer is, your brand, just like your person, (and every flower, tree, bird and bee on earth) — is made to grow.
Human growth and business growth require introspection and reflection, because introspection brings clarity, and we are drawn to clarity like moths to the flame. In other words, when you work out you, you work out your business, and the vision, goals and actions you take, begin to slowly all align.
This is not just my opinion. Luxury brands go at this with their multi-million dollar marketing campaigns in the same way the little guys do (if they’re wise) — they ask:
What is not working anymore? Why is it not working anymore? What do we want and need, now? And what needs to change in order for us to get what we want and need? Just exactly like a personal exploration.
We entrepreneurs must master the art of change, because it’s not ever gonna end (damn it!). That’s why so personal. 😉 Plus – it lights me up. I believe honest and heart-felt connection is the way of the new economy—but even if it weren’t, that wouldn’t stop me.
I hope you find this helpful, if you were wondering, and as always, reach out if you have any questions or need some help!